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MOJO Paint Exhibition

Alfredo Raimondi, aka Mojo, was born in 1974 in Manocalzati AV Italy. Dark and overshadowed by a perennial melancholy, his art, despite being changeable in subjects and techniques, is constant in transmitting an intense sense of sadness, of the surreal and dreamlike through his depictions, which are designed to fill and satisfy the soul , hunger and thirst, going through torment and always finding yourself in your own hell.

In the oil paintings we witness the recovery of the plastic values of the art of the past, evident above all in the proportions and anatomical perfection of the subjects depicted.

There is a return to the craft of painting, done in the workshops of the masters.Mojo’s works become a process in a new space, created by the mix between his inner world, mythology and the places dear to him, in which classical and Caravaggio-style models coexist with mysterious demons and dark fairies, worlds so distant from each other but who together give life to a perfect partnership, caressing the gloomy themes of that offshoot of Romanticism which was the decadent one, with a refined style and oriented towards the taste of the sublime: dark, ghostly, horrifying and esoteric topics, to discover and reveal the sense of the magical and twilight in daily life and to push the observer, precisely, right below the highest threshold (sub – limen) of feeling, which disturbs and frightens but at the same time fascinates and inexplicably attracts.

These figures translate, on a stylistic level, into a desaturated and deliberately dull color palette, with a dominance of brown and wild colors. The brown tones of his land have shaped his “other” vision of things. In his production there is a prevailing search for the shadow, for a decadent, melancholic and restless half that appears to some almost sinister, but never macabre.

March 28-29-30 2025

Messe Forum Frankfurt

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